A Short Walk

Journal — Tuesday, June 30, 2020 — Day 23 of NYC reopening

Jorie Mar
2 min readJul 1, 2020

I’m taking shorter walks now that it’s gotten hotter and more humid. I didn’t go outside at all yesterday (except to pace on the terrace), so I was overdue today.

The sunset was spectacular again:

© 2020 Jorie Mar

The painted stone in this pretty garden says “Be Kind”:

© 2020 Jorie Mar

I like the summer flowers, even though — or maybe because — they are not as dramatic as those that bloom in the spring:

© 2020 Jorie Mar
© 2020 Jorie Mar
© 2020 Jorie Mar

I took a lot of pictures of the sunset yesterday and only posted a few so far. Here’s another one:

© 2020 Jorie Mar

The infection rate in New York continues to drop while it soars in the rest of the country. Be careful out there!

As for me, things go on pretty much the same as before. I’m relearning how to cook (and getting pretty good if I do say so myself), looking for brick-and-mortar jobs (but when will it be safe to go to them?), watching and reading the news, and trying to get organized.

I guess I’m still in my own private lockdown — I haven’t done any of the things, like outdoor restaurant dining, that the partial reopening allows. Change is hard for me. It took me a while to get used to the lockdown, and now it’s going to take me a while to get used to doing all the things that were forbidden before. Or maybe I never will until there is some kind of sign that the drop in the spread here is not a temporary fluke.



Jorie Mar

Semi-hopeful New Yawka. Baby boomer. Inactive attorney. Content mill veteran. Aspiring humor writer. semihopeful@gmail.com Twitter: @semihopeful