Believe There Is Good in the World

NYC Reopening Day 13 (Saturday in the wee hours of the morning)

Jorie Mar
2 min readJun 20, 2020

In the Gardens, kids and adults paint rocks with hopeful words and leave them out for all to see.

Believe There Is Good in the World © 2020 Jorie Mar

On Monday, the city will start Phase 2, which allows outdoor dining, haircuts, and office work — though I’m still too skittish to do any of those right away.

Meanwhile, I’m still walking:

Sunset on Burns Street © 2020 Jorie Mar
Garden decorations © 2020 Jorie Mar
Don’t know what these flowers are called, but there were a lot of them in bloom © 2020 Jorie Mar
Forest HIlls Stadium, side service entrance, before sunset © 2020 Jorie Mar
Glass flamingo © 2020 Jorie Mar

There was another march in the neighborhood last weekend, and more signs were added to the shrine in the park that some neighborhood teens had started:

Black Lives Matter, MacDonald Park © 2020 Jorie Mar

Cuomo gave his last daily press briefing yesterday (Friday). The briefings were a 111-day-straight masterclass in leadership. I will miss him, as will Randy Rainbow and Cuomo’s 59 million (!) other viewers worldwide.

Cuomo’s speech was filled with lines about unity and love. Like the rock says, there is good in the world, and Cuomo helped us remember that every day for the last three months.

Then he had to go mess up his finale a bit by tacking on what looked like a campaign commercial at the end, complete with schmaltzy background music:

Later today, Trump will be holding his campaign rally in Tulsa, where people have been lining up and camping out for days for the chance to prove that the laws of nature don’t apply to them.

Yes, there is a lot of good in the world, but there is also stupidity, willful or otherwise. Fingers crossed for Tulsa.



Jorie Mar

Semi-hopeful New Yawka. Baby boomer. Inactive attorney. Content mill veteran. Aspiring humor writer. Twitter: @semihopeful