Dodging Zombies in the Grocery Store

Journal Day 13 (but feeling lucky): Life in my little corner of New York City in the age of the Coronavirus, Friday, April 3, 2020

Jorie Mar
4 min readApr 4, 2020
Welcome to the 13th day of my journal © 2020 Jorie Mar

I’ve been trying to avoid going to the store. My order of six boxes of Swiss Muesli cereal came in from Amazon — sent as a regular product in just a few days, not as part of Amazon Pantry (10-day delivery time) or Amazon Fresh (no delivery dates available here at all). As nutritious and filling as that is, I wanted to have more to eat than muesli and water (slight exaggeration, but soon that wouldn’t be too far off the mark).

I went down to Angie’s, a new market on Metropolitan Ave. I was there once before, a couple of weeks ago. It’s a beautiful store, with gorgeous fresh produce and amazing bread that they bake themselves. Unfortunately, this time there were more people there than before.

Leaf buds © 2020 Jorie Mar

In the ancient days (last month), no one in NY would have called the store as it was today “crowded.” But now that I am being conscientious about keeping six feet away from every other human, it was hard to navigate the store’s narrow aisles.

I felt like I was playing a video game where I was trying to avoid zombies who were all lumbering after me. I would turn a corner, go into an aisle — yay, clear! — and then a zombie would enter the aisle from the other end, and I would back off. Turn the next corner — oh no! More zombies! Turn left — turn right — boxed in!

So it was stressful. It was impossible to keep the recommended 6-foot social distance. I have to hand it to the people who work there, though. They were smiling and friendly. I don’t know how they do it, how they keep their spirits up. Grocery workers and delivery people are the unsung heroes of this pandemic.

Anyway, it’s a fantastic store — with a Manhattan vibe in the middle of a sleepy section of Queens — and if and when this is all over, I hope to go there more.

Daffodils, Station Square © 2020 Jorie Mar

The store is 1.3 miles from me, according to Google. I didn’t want to get on the bus, so it was a long way to lug groceries home on foot. I did bring my backpack, which made it easier to carry things, but between the extra exercise and only sleeping 5.5 hours last night, I ended up falling asleep for a 2-hour “nap” a few hours after I got home. My bio clock is totally messed up now.

I didn’t take any pictures today because I was talking on my phone the whole time I was going to and from the store. But I took a lot yesterday, so that’s what I’ve been posting here. Today, it was raining, so just imagine water dripping into the pictures to get a better idea of what my day looked like.

Blossoms and buildings © 2020 Jorie Mar

I had hoped to get home early enough to join a video chat with people from one of my groups, but the shopping excursion took longer than expected. Saying “Hi!” to anyone from that chat who may be reading this, and I hope to join you next week.

Last night, I used up the last roll from my original stock of toilet paper, and (drum roll please), I opened up the new package. I had never bought this brand before and was happy to see that the rolls really were “Mega,” as advertised. Hopefully, my nine rolls will last a while, at least until I can find a new supply.

Although I complain a lot about the difficulties of life now, I realize that I am really very lucky. I have good health so far (knock on wood), no one who I know personally has gotten sick (again, knock on wood), and I am privileged to have friends, the ability to isolate, a quiet place to walk, and running water to wash my hands, something I take completely for granted but that not everyone has.



Jorie Mar
Jorie Mar

Written by Jorie Mar

Semi-hopeful New Yawka. Baby boomer. Inactive attorney. Content mill veteran. Aspiring humor writer. Twitter: @semihopeful

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