The World As We Know It May Be Coming to an End, but Flowers Are Blooming
Journal Day 1: My little corner of NYC in the age of the Coronavirus, Sunday, March 22, 2020
Can you believe it’s been only 21 days since the first Coronavirus case was confirmed in New York State? It feels like a lifetime. It’s been only 10 days — 10 days! — since Broadway theaters were shut down and gatherings of more than 500 people were prohibited. Five hundred people! It’s like something from ancient history. Now every man and woman is an island, keeping a 6-foot buffer between themselves and every other human who is not a household member — except for those who don’t.
It’s been only five days since Mayor de Blasio freaked out New Yorkers by saying we should get ready to “shelter in place” within the next 48 hours. Then Governor Cuomo came to the rescue, saying “words matter,” and using the benign-sounding “Pause” as the name for the rules that would now govern our lives.
In reality, Pause is almost identical to the “shelter in place” plan that they have in California. It does sound better though. What I was most afraid of — that we would not be allowed to leave our apartments — has not come to pass in either state. At least so far, we are being encouraged to go out for walks or runs, as long as we observe the 6-foot rule.
After my initial freak-outs, I’ve settled into a routine and am feeling better. The highlight of my days now is my “mental health” walk, usually through the nearby Forest Hills Gardens.
I’m lucky to be able to escape my apartment and walk through this nearby but other-wordly area of large homes and beautiful landscaping. The leaves haven’t come out yet on most of the trees, but when they do, the trees will form a gorgeous green canopy and provide a way to experience the benefits of forest bathing without having to go to the actual woods.
Meanwhile, some of the flowering bushes and trees are already in bloom.
On Austin Street, the neighborhood’s main drag for restaurants and stores, Starbucks was closed, but the Friday’s next door was open for take out. If their sign was any indication, what people were mostly taking out were drinks.
The rest of my day, so far, was spent watching Cuomo’s daily press briefing, spending more time than I ever did pre-pandemic on social media, talking on the phone, and sending emails. Still left to do: exercise and finish my latest short story.
Journal Day 2: It’s Raining, but the Walk Must Go On